Eating Healthy On A Budget - Grocery List


If you want to eat healthy and you’re on a limited budget, there are many things you can do to ensure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs. It’s about making simple choices. But these choices will make the most impact on how you feel, not to mention they will also ensure your body is benefiting from these healthier food choices.

Many people think eating healthy has to cost a lot.

Your grocery list does not have to be massive to ensure you’re eating healthier. Also, that shopping list of yours doesn’t have to add up to hundreds of dollars.

In this article, I’m going to offer you some helpful tips, and give you an exact step-by-step plan for eating healthy on a budget.

So, let’s get started!

Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget


1. Use frozen and canned fruits & veggies.

Not only are frozen fruits and vegetables more convenient, but you're getting more for less!

However, if you’re not into buying pre-packaged veggies, you can also add fresh veggies to your frozen or canned veggies in order ensure optimal nutrients, while increasing portion size.

If you want to go 100% fresh veggies, then look for veggies that are still fresh, but whose expiration date is fast approaching. Often times grocery stores will discount these items and you’ll be able to save some money. By choosing this little grocery hack, you can save quite a bit of money each month, so it can be a smart tactic when you’re on a tight budget.

Remember, after all purchases … Once you get home, simply wash, cut up and freeze whatever veggies you won’t use that day. This will keep them fresh and ready for your next meal. It’s also an excellent way to meal prep ahead of time in order to free up your time when preparing future meals.


2. Shop in bulk.

By using the bulk isles at your local grocery store to buy healthy snack and baking items like nuts or dried fruits, you can save a ton of money.

Remember, since you’re not buying a packaged item, this can save you a couple of dollars on each item. This means that you can save lot of money in the long-run. Packaging can make foods super expensive where it’s not even necessary to spend that much.

So, seek out the bulk bins with nuts, dried fruit etc. They allow you to pay only for what you're buying and not on the packaging! A simple plastic bag will do the trick just fine. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be helping the environment!

3. Buy meats on sale and freeze for future use. When the shelf-life of meat is fast approaching, grocers often discount meats. Although the meat is still fresh, grocers want to add meats with a longer shelf life, but want to sell older packaged meats quickly to make room for the newly packaged arrivals. So, look for dates that area couple of days before the state of your purchase. If you’re not going to cook it the day of your purchase, opt for freezing it instead for the date you plan to prepare it. It’s a great way to save a few dollars while still gaining fresh meat.

Other sale items also include fruits like bananas, apples, strawberries and often times packs of bread. These are usually found on separate shelving near where their main items are located.

4. Shop using local flyers and save coupons so you can save money! A few dollars saved per week can really add up at months end. So, check online or in local flyers for coupons you can use to save money.

5. Choose no-name brands whenever possible. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels first to make informed decisions.

6. Need protein?

If meat is too expensive, try choosing canned beans instead.


They are a great protein source and much cheaper then meat. Beans also taste great and can add substance to any meal.

7. Eat at home.

Not only are you saving money, but you have greater control over the ingredients used in your meals.

You could also prepare your meal at home and venture out for a picnic for a change of scenery, while still saving and staying within your budget!

Saving money is easy. You just need to think strategically and plan ahead.

Your local grocery store always has discounted offers available to you.

As long as you make informed decisions and take the time to make these tiny shopping and meal prep changes, you can save a lot of money, eat healthier and enjoy eating your meals at home!