How to Read Food Labels & Ingredients on Packaging for Healthy Eating

You’re in the grocery store shopping for this week’s food items. But have you ever had a second thought about the ingredients listed on the food items you’re buying?


Have you ever wondered what all those ingredients were listed on the food packaging? It’s very overwhelming especially if you don’t know anything about unfamiliar food ingredient terms, or how our bodies react to them.

In this article, you’ll learn …

How to Read Food Label Ingredients Listed on Food Packaging

Okay, so back to your grocery store shopping experience …

Now, when you first pick up a food product in the grocery aisle, either you quickly toss it into your cart or if you're a bit more health-conscious, you read the nutritional facts listed on the package label first.

This is a smart move since you'll want to know what ingredients make up the food that you're planning on eating. You also want to know about its nutritional value.

If you're a health-conscious shopper, you can easily consume more nutrient-dense foods when you understand how to read the nutritional facts listed on the label.

But one thing is for sure, food packaging labels are intentionally deceptive. So, to make sure you're making the right choices at the grocery store, you need to understand food labeling and learn how to read ingredients.


The most important thing to know about reading food packaging is that just because something says “organic” doesn’t mean it is, And just because a food product has a low-calorie count on the label doesn’t mean it can be treated as an unlimited portion of calories.

Understanding food labels can seem a little daunting if you aren't aware of the dynamics of how food labels work. What may appear as a simple read may not be as straightforward as you may have thought.

But no worries, in this article I'll clarify everything for you so that you can understand food labels in order to make healthier choices for you and your family. 

Steps to Reading & Understanding Food Labels

When you look at any food label, pay close attention to the number of calories listed per serving. Oftentimes, what you think you're consuming in a single serving, is actually far more than what you would expect.

What I mean is this ... 

When you look at the number of calories and nutrients that are listed in a single serving, the size of each serving is most oftentimes a lot smaller than what you would most likely consume at any one time. 

For example, if we're talking about a bottle of juice, you would think that one serving makes up that one bottle of juice. However, what is usually the case is that one serving according to the label is only including half of the bottle of juice!

The same goes for a bowl of cereal.  The label may read 2-3 servings (or 2-3 cups) make up a single serving of what's listed. However, the average person may actually consume 6 cups of cereal in a single serving meaning that the sugar content listed would actually be much higher than they had initially thought they were consuming (because they were actually consuming more than the serving size portion mentioned on the label).

This is why it's important to pay close attention to the calories per single serving (and know how much a single serving is). This will allow you to know how many calories you're actually consuming if indeed you do eat the whole package ie., a bag of chips or a pack of cookies etc.

Being educated in reading food labels is critically important, especially if you're trying to improve your eating habits or want to lose weight.

So, knowing all of that …

Food Labels … What You Should Know


Here are some other things you may want to pay close attention to:

When reading any food package ingredient listing, limit the number of trans fats, salt (aka sodium), sugar, and saturated fat content.

Sugar - Sugar, can include natural and added sugars. It’s best to opt for natural sugars especially those derived from fruit. White refined sugar is the one you should try to stay away from or at least limit its intake as much as possible. It is bound together with an equal split of glucose and fructose. You will often see these terms written on processed food labels. It’s best to avoid purchasing products with these ingredients - especially if they are the first ingredients listed. When you see an ingredient that is one of the first listed, that means that the food item you’re purchasing has a high level of that ingredient over the other ingredients listed.

Sugar is a common man-made ingredient that we most often consume daily. You can find it in soft drinks, juices, sweet desserts, and candy (just to name a few). However, too much sugar can result in long-term health problems. Basically, here is how it works... Sugar is made up of two molecules which are glucose and fructose. Sugar is harmless if consumed in small amounts. However, too much can be very problematic to your overall health.

Instead of adding regular refined white table sugar to your meals, why not choose a healthier alternative like agave, honey, maple syrup, or natural sugar cane.

The W orldHealth Org advises adults and children to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle with regular physical activity and a nutritious diet. This includes limiting the intake of free sugars (total sugars minus fiber) to less than 10% of their total energy intake (known as the 10% guideline). However, did you realize just how much sugar is in some products that we don’t think of as “sweets” or as containing sugar?

Saturated fats - Saturated fats are found in meat, whip cream, cheese, butter, and other dairy products. This type of fat contains high levels of cholesterol which increases your risk of heart disease and other health problems if you consume too much. Opting for unsaturated fats is a much better choice. And although saturated fats are not as bad as trans fats, it is not the best option when it comes to your health. So if you can, choose unsaturated fats which help to reduce the risk of heart disease, while reducing cholesterol in the body. Healthier fats like nuts or avocados are a much better choice.

Trans fats - Trans-fat or refined polyunsaturated fat will increase inflammation in your body, and make it harder for you to lose weight simply because it’s not naturally derived, but rather it’s a man-made fat. So, read all food packaging carefully before you buy! Avoid consuming processed foods like pastries, snack bars, commercially prepared fried foods, or any food label with trans-fats listed. There is zero nutritional value. Trans-fats do more harm than good.

Sodium - Sodium also known as salt is an essential mineral for life. It has many benefits including aiding in sending impulses through nerves and is helpful in the functioning of muscles. Although there are health benefits to sodium or salt in your diet, too much salt can cause more harm than good.

According to the American Heart Association, no individual should consume more than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium (salt) per day. Ideally, if you could try to consume less, it's actually recommended that you do not go beyond 1,500 mg per day for the average adult.

If you consume too much salt per day on a regular basis, this can lead to health problems including kidney disease, osteoporosis, heart disease, stomach problems like cancer of the stomach, and stroke.

Although these are extreme cases, if you consume too much salt regularly and for a long period of time, it can add up and lead to health problems like those mentioned here.

If you stick to not having more than 1,500 mg per day or less, you should be fine. However, it's best to have less in order to lessen the chances that you will develop a health issue from consuming too much.

Rid Your Body of Toxins

One way to flush your body of toxins and heightened levels of salt, while adding extra hydration to your body is to drink lots of water.

A splash of lemon juice or a pinch of apple cider vinegar diluted in your water can be extra beneficial - especially being that they aid in intestinal and digestive health as well as having so many other benefits.

Remember, read your food labels carefully to ensure that what you're buying does not have high levels of salt. Many people fail to realize how much salt can be contained in your average loaf of bread or box of cereal.

Be mindful of what you eat and be careful to make healthier food choices that will benefit your health in years to come.

Choose products carefully by looking at different brands and their ingredient labels to make the most informed choice for your overall health.



Vegetarian Food for Hair Growth

If you’re looking for the best foods for improving hair growth, you’re in the right place. You don’t have to be a vegetarian necessarily to endulge in these delicious recipes. Anyone with a desire to grow healthier, longer hair can enjoy the delicious hair growth recipes that I’m going to share right here.

You’ve most likely heard that there are certain vegetables that can do wonders for growing longer, thicker hair.

That’s right!

Vegetables play a huge role in the health of your hair!


Certain vegetables contain just the right amount of nutrients to help in keeping hair follicles healthy in order to promote hair growth.

That is, if you can improve your daily dose of veggies, your hair is in for a treat!

Since vegetables are packed with a ton of vitamins like B-vitamins (biotin) which you can find in broccoli, for example, these types of vegetables are the perfect food when it comes to growing your hair longer and healthier!

An adult requires 30 micrograms of biotin in their diet each day.

Want to find out more?

Here are some interesting veggie facts, tips, and recipes that will help your hair grow longer!

Did You Know These Hair Growth Food Facts?

Olive oil contains high amounts of Vitamin E, which promotes circulation in the scalp.

Garlic improves circulation in the body, including the scalp. It also provides antioxidants and aids in digestion, both of which increase nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles.

Broccoli's iron-rich content strengthens hair from the roots. With broccoli’s high concentration of biotin, it is a perfect choice.

Yellow peppers are great for hair growth! Just like any orange vegetable like carrots or orange peppers, these veggies contain beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is basically pigmentation. It's also a carotenoid - and this carotenoid which is also an antioxidant is known to promote healthy skin, hair growth and boost your immune system!

Now, because the yellow peppers in this recipe contain carotenoids, you'll know that you're doing your hair and skin a favour when you add them to a recipe like this one!

You simply can't go wrong with a grow hair recipe like this one!


ZESTY Broccoli and Peppers ~ Supremely Italian Recipe for Growing Longer, Healthier Hair!

  • 4 cups of broccoli sliced in bite-sized pieces

  • 6 cups of water

  • 1 medium-sized sweet red pepper

  • 1 medium-sized sweet yellow pepper

  • 2 minced cloves of garlic

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil

  • 1 tsp. of oregano

  • ½ tsp. of salt

  • ¼ tsp. of pepper

  • 1 cup of ripe cherry tomatoes sliced in half

  • 1 tbsp. freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Directions: In a large-sized saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Then simply add the broccoli and cover the pan for approximately 3 minutes until the broccoli is softened slightly.

Next, drain the broccoli and place it in cold water to stop the cooking process. This also helps to retain its crispy-green look. Then drain and pat dry.

After that, grab a large non-stick skillet and sauté the red and yellow peppers in olive oil for approximately 2 minutes. Then add broccoli, oregano, garlic, salt, and pepper and cook everything for about 2 more minutes.

Lastly, add the tomatoes and sauté for another 30 seconds to a minute. Once you’ve sautéd the tomatoes, remove all contents from the stove and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

  • This recipe serves 6 people.

This recipe is also perfect with chicken, fish, or pasta!

Why not try these as alternatives for a uniquely delicious taste!


Antioxidant-rich Foods for Skin

Caring for your skin is so important. Not only do you look better and healthier, good skin habits can produce positive rewards in making you feel better about yourself. It doesn’t hurt that others will also take notice too!


Eating well is essential for your overall health and for your complexion.

If you stay clear of greasy foods like french fries, potato chips, eating excess amounts of starchy foods as well as sugary foods like cakes, cookies, and candies, you’re well on your way to having great skin. Of course, you can eat these types of foods occasionally, but it’s important to keep them to a minimum.

Invest in Yourself | Healthy Kitchen Tools

Now we also have healthier choices for the above foods. For example, instead of greasy fries from your local fast food joint, why not invest in an air fryer and make your own at home! Not only will your food be less greasy, but you’ll also be able to eat your most desired craving, but do so without all of the excess calories!

Remember, everything in moderation and balance. As long as you don’t go overboard, you should be fine. But eating healthier fruits and vegetables along with drinking plenty of water can help in the process.

Your Skin & Aging

Did you know that for those who age gracefully, it can be a very emotional experience?

Why you ask?

Well, what happens is that they look so amazing and are constantly reminded and told how young they look, these comments can be emotionally uplifting!

Imagine people coming up to you and asking you what it is you do because you look so fabulous! Well, here's their secret… They eat antioxidant-rich foods!

What are antioxidant-rich foods you ask?

Well, these are foods packed with minerals, phytonutrients (disease-fighting chemicals), vitamins, fiber, fruits, and vegetables.

These foods actually counteract the effects of cellular damage, making the skin look brighter and younger.

Want to know more?!

Here are the 10 Most Potent Antioxidant-Rich Foods:

  • These foods were tested by the Department of Agriculture recently. Actually, they tested over 100 different foods and identified these ten as having the highest antioxidant content.

    1. Raspberries

    2. Blackberries

    3. Cranberries

    4. Pinto beans

    5. Wild Blueberries

    6. Prunes

    7. Artichokes

    8. Farm blueberries

    9. Red kidney beans

    10. Adzuki beans

    Do you notice the pattern here?

    Eight out of the ten most powerful natural antioxidants are beans or berries!

    Remember, you don’t have to only eat these foods by themselves. You can freeze them and mix and match them with each other or with vegetables for a more balanced meal or as a healthy snack!

    Indulging in a wide variety of food blends, shakes and smoothies can be not only a healthy treat but can also be satisfying and tasty too!

    So, why not add some servings of these antioxidant-rich foods today.

    Your body will love you for it and so will your skin!


How Does Too Much Sugar Affect Your Body


The wonderful joys of a slice of red velvet cake topped with smooth buttery icing and colored sprinkles …

How about a piece of rich milk chocolate or a delicious ice cream cone dipped in icy chocolate to help beat the summer heat!

If these sweet treats invoke excitement, nostalgia, and happiness, it's likely that you have a sweet tooth. And I guess you share in those wonderful memories of enjoying deliciously sweet indulgences from your childhood. Most likely you still enjoy these sweet treats from time to time. However, we must also limit the amount of sugar that we consume because too much can be detrimental to your health.

Depending on where you're from in the world, and the lifestyle you choose to lead, you may not realize the impact that sugar is having on your body and overall health.

Your Body & Sugars Effects On It

What is sugar anyway & is all sugar bad for you?

Sugar (also known as sucrose), is basically a carbohydrate that gives the body energy. It can be unnatural or refined as is often found in most of the packaged foods we eat.

Refined sugar is harmful to the body and can lead to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and excess belly fat. However, there are also natural sugars derived from plants like sugar beets and sugar cane which are a better alternative.

Sugar enters the body through the digestive tract. But before it does, it breaks down into two simple sugars - fructose and glucose. You often see these terms written on the ingredients list of the food products you purchase from your local grocer. 


Glucose actually already exists in each cell of our body. However, what's great about this natural wonder is that if we don't get it from the food that we eat, our bodies can produce it on their own.

You're probably wondering …

What the purpose of glucose is for our bodies anyway?

Am I right?

Well, glucose has a purpose and it definitely benefits healthy body functioning.

Basically, it exists in each cell (as mentioned earlier), along with amino acids which are essentially the building blocks of the protein and the fats that give you your energy. But it's main function is for fueling your brain as the chemical messengers and nerve cells functioning within your brain need to process all of the information running through it. Without glucose, your brain wouldn't function as it was meant to function.

What is fructose?

I see this word on ingredient listings all the time!

Fructose on the other hand is different from glucose because our body cannot produce fructose on its own (which is fine since our body has no real need for it). However, when your body gets too much fructose, that can be a problem.

Fructose is often one of the first ingredients listed on many food product labels. So if you can try, your best bet is to avoid this ingredient altogether. But if you do happen to see it listed on a food product label, be sure it’s listed further down on the ingredient list rather than being listed first.


Are there healthier sugar options, or alternatives?

Luckily you have many healthier choices when you have a sweet tooth.

Opt for making your own more natural treats if you are so inclined to do so.

Adding honey or agave syrup are also good alternatives to refined white sugar as well. But if you can, try to use natural sugars from fruits to get your sweet fix. Dried fruit snacks like raisins or dates are excellent snacks, not to mention that they are excellent alternatives to sugar when used in your favorite baked good recipes, cereals, and oat mixes.

In the end, just be conscious of the foods you choose to eat.

Remember, moderation is key.

Just make healthier choices overall. As long as you do not indulge in too much sugar and ensure that you choose healthier options, there is no reason why you cannot still enjoy your favorite treats.

Smart choices are better choices.

Foods that Cause Inflammation & Acne

Discover what foods to eat and what foods to avoid if you want to avoid acne and have better skin

Unwanted growths, blemishes, and cysts (just to name a few), are health conditions that you may experience from time-to-time.

One tip to avoid this is to eat the right foods while avoiding the wrong ones.


Inflammation in the body can lead to these unwanted health issues, and especially skin problems like the ones just mentioned.

But these issues can be avoided by eating anti-inflammatory foods.

By definition, anti-inflammatory foods are foods that reduce inflammation or any kind of swelling, irritation, or redness of the skin or body.

Anti-inflammatory rich foods block the body from causing inflammation.

What’s great is that anti-inflammatory rich foods not only keep inflammation at bay, but these foods are also good for you!

Here are some anti-inflammatory foods that will help keep your skin healthy:

  • Onions/Garlic

  • Blueberries/Cherries

  • Nuts

  • Avocado

  • Spinach

  • Ginger

  • Tumeric

  • Olive Oil

  • Pineapple

  • Carrots

Now, on the other side of the coin are high inflammatory foods. These are the foods that cause unwanted cysts and blemishes.

Dairy foods like milk and cheese are inflammatory foods that should be avoided if you prefer not only to have a clear complexion but also if you want to avoid experiencing other skin issues like cysts and skin inflammation and blemishes.

Some inflammatory foods to avoid are …

  • Fried foods and high sugar beverages, refined grains, chocolate, sugar, and desserts, (milk and cheese as mentioned above).

If you want to find out more about how anti-inflammatory foods can benefit you, and what you can do to care for your skin, then read on …

Other Methods to Prevent Acne

Everyone at one time or another has experienced having acne, be it a small pimple or a more serious case of acne.

Common acne is caused by excessive secretion of sebum, which is the oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Sebum serves to keep the skin and hair healthy, but when there is an over-production of it, the sebum clogs up hair follicles and causes acne. Since it is oily in nature, sebum tends to attract dirt and dust from the environment, leading to bacterial growth and what we commonly refer to as a pimple.

To prevent acne at home, here are some tips:


Keep your face clean. Wash your face or other affected area with a gentle cleanser twice per day. The simple of daily cleaning is a good habit to have because it can break up the oils and prevent acne bacteria from establishing a foothold.

Cleanse properly. Many over-the-counter medicated cleansers will help you to prevent acne by way of ingredients targeted at the bacteria. Be sure to read the label on your skincare product and use the product correctly for the best results.

Try not to touch your face. In our day to day lives, our hands come in contact with millions of bacteria which get transferred about with everything we touch. You can prevent the spread of bacteria to your face if you don’t touch it out of habit.

Good hand-washing habits are an important component of this as well.

Do not squeeze pimples. It will not help you prevent acne, and may lead to infection, worsening of acne, and scarring. But if the urge arises and you do, clean the area well with cleansing soap and water.

Avoid oily skincare products. Choose water-based skincare formulas that clean gently. Do not use cold creams, petroleum jelly, and oil-based cosmetics if you are prone to acne. By doing so, you can help prevent acne by not adding to the amount of oil already in your skin.

Eat properly. Some experts say that diet is not a component of acne, but anecdotal evidence cannot be overlooked.


It is possible to prevent acne by eating a balanced diet. Although it is true in many cases, there are some cases where further treatment is needed. However, in all, it’s best to eat healthier meals that are packed with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, try to drink plenty of water, and reduce your intake of processed foods and alcohol.

Eating yogurt with active probiotic cultures is terrific for your overall system, of which the skin is the largest organ. However, dairy products and greasy, sugary foods should be avoided. However, if you cannot resist, have only a minimal amount and drink plenty of water. A glass of water with a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar or a splash of lemon juice can also help in cleaning the digestive system while aiding in healthier-looking skin.

Minimize your salt intake. But if you do use salt in your diet, try switching to sea salt instead of iodized salt, since iodine may be linked to acne for some people.

Consume “good fats” such as olive oil in place of saturated fats such as those found in butter.

Improve your lifestyle. You may find that daily exercise and proper sleep will help prevent acne, because they both have a positive effect on the hormonal balance of your body.

Of course, if you are having extreme difficulty with acne, it is best to consult a dermatologist for help. Your doctor has prescription medications available, from oral antibiotics to medicated ointments and creams that may not only clear up your acne, but your doctor can also prescribe them as a prophylactic to prevent acne on a daily basis.

In the end, focus on you!

Eat well, cleanse your skin well, and drink plenty of water.

Eating Healthy On A Budget - Grocery List


If you want to eat healthy and you’re on a limited budget, there are many things you can do to ensure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs. It’s about making simple choices. But these choices will make the most impact on how you feel, not to mention they will also ensure your body is benefiting from these healthier food choices.

Many people think eating healthy has to cost a lot.

Your grocery list does not have to be massive to ensure you’re eating healthier. Also, that shopping list of yours doesn’t have to add up to hundreds of dollars.

In this article, I’m going to offer you some helpful tips, and give you an exact step-by-step plan for eating healthy on a budget.

So, let’s get started!

Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget


1. Use frozen and canned fruits & veggies.

Not only are frozen fruits and vegetables more convenient, but you're getting more for less!

However, if you’re not into buying pre-packaged veggies, you can also add fresh veggies to your frozen or canned veggies in order ensure optimal nutrients, while increasing portion size.

If you want to go 100% fresh veggies, then look for veggies that are still fresh, but whose expiration date is fast approaching. Often times grocery stores will discount these items and you’ll be able to save some money. By choosing this little grocery hack, you can save quite a bit of money each month, so it can be a smart tactic when you’re on a tight budget.

Remember, after all purchases … Once you get home, simply wash, cut up and freeze whatever veggies you won’t use that day. This will keep them fresh and ready for your next meal. It’s also an excellent way to meal prep ahead of time in order to free up your time when preparing future meals.


2. Shop in bulk.

By using the bulk isles at your local grocery store to buy healthy snack and baking items like nuts or dried fruits, you can save a ton of money.

Remember, since you’re not buying a packaged item, this can save you a couple of dollars on each item. This means that you can save lot of money in the long-run. Packaging can make foods super expensive where it’s not even necessary to spend that much.

So, seek out the bulk bins with nuts, dried fruit etc. They allow you to pay only for what you're buying and not on the packaging! A simple plastic bag will do the trick just fine. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be helping the environment!

3. Buy meats on sale and freeze for future use. When the shelf-life of meat is fast approaching, grocers often discount meats. Although the meat is still fresh, grocers want to add meats with a longer shelf life, but want to sell older packaged meats quickly to make room for the newly packaged arrivals. So, look for dates that area couple of days before the state of your purchase. If you’re not going to cook it the day of your purchase, opt for freezing it instead for the date you plan to prepare it. It’s a great way to save a few dollars while still gaining fresh meat.

Other sale items also include fruits like bananas, apples, strawberries and often times packs of bread. These are usually found on separate shelving near where their main items are located.

4. Shop using local flyers and save coupons so you can save money! A few dollars saved per week can really add up at months end. So, check online or in local flyers for coupons you can use to save money.

5. Choose no-name brands whenever possible. Just be sure to read the ingredient labels first to make informed decisions.

6. Need protein?

If meat is too expensive, try choosing canned beans instead.


They are a great protein source and much cheaper then meat. Beans also taste great and can add substance to any meal.

7. Eat at home.

Not only are you saving money, but you have greater control over the ingredients used in your meals.

You could also prepare your meal at home and venture out for a picnic for a change of scenery, while still saving and staying within your budget!

Saving money is easy. You just need to think strategically and plan ahead.

Your local grocery store always has discounted offers available to you.

As long as you make informed decisions and take the time to make these tiny shopping and meal prep changes, you can save a lot of money, eat healthier and enjoy eating your meals at home!

How to Grow Food in an Apartment

Indoor garden - How to Grow Fruits and Vegetables in an Apartment

Indoor garden - How to Grow Fruits and Vegetables in an Apartment

Living in an apartment can be extremely convenient. There is very little upkeep necessary in terms of having to maintain a lawn, garden or outdoor maintenance areas.

However, with that convenience - especially in a time of a pandemic, having a garden would be useful and extremely beneficial. Not only would it save you money and help in sustaining a more manageable food budget, but having the convenience of easy access to your own indoor vegetable garden and produce is simply perfect!

It can allow you to quickly and easily cook your own meals, which would mean less trips to the grocery store along with keeping a healthy diet of fresh herbs and vegetables on hand for your convenience!

But is it possible to grow a garden in a small apartment or condo space?

Well, it's easier than you think!

Container planting indoors is an excellent option when you have limited space.

Many people fail to realize that many plants can actually thrive quite well indoors. Some of these types of plants include tomatoes, garlic, lettuce, spinach and even cauliflower.

Surprised? Yup, I was too!

You can grow a wide selection of vegetables in your apartment (regardless of whether it's a spacious 3 bedroom condo or a tiny studio apartment.

It's possible to have a healthy, thriving indoor vegetable garden that allows you to grow your own food. And yes, you can even become a gardening expert while you're at it!

There are so many indoor vegetable gardening ideas and I'll share some quick tips, so let's get into it!

The Light Issue when growing plants indoors:

If you're in a condo or apartment, the required growing conditions can vary. A common issue is with the amount of light that you're getting inside your apartment.

How to grow indoor plants apartment house

However, this is of little concern because you do have the option of placing plants on a windowsill or in a living area where there is a lot of light that comes in during the daytime.  Most plants thrive with sunlight. However, there are many salads and leafy green vegetables that require much less sunlight and you can use this to your advantage!

I'm going to share which plants thrive with a lot of sunlight and those that thrive without it.

Vegetables and Herbs that Thrive with sunlight:

Herbs are the easiest plants to grow indoors. It's about your pot size and it's environment that matters. If you stick to using a pot  that's at least six inches or larger in size and ensure that your soil is warm and moist along with placing it by a window that has at least half a day of sunlight, you're good.


These herbs grow really well indoors - ginger, basil, mint, cilantro, rosemary, thyme, oregano,chives and parsley are some of the most popular edible plants that can thrive growing in a small apartment or any indoor setting for that matter. As long as you keep them in a well-lit area that gets a fair amount of sunlight throughout the day, you should have success and be able to use what you've grown to produce a lovely meal.

You also have to keep in mind that your plants will also require a fair amount of moisture and humidity especially during the colder months when heated apartments can dry the air. In these cases, it's best to invest in a humidifier to add more moisture to the air inside. Artificial light is also an option if you’re lacking a source of natural sunlight. Investing in a grow light is also a good option if your apartment lacks natural sunlight. Indoor garden kits are also available.

Plants needing limited sunlight:


Micro-greens and bean sprouts are excellent choices for edible plants you can grow indoors. They're crunchy and healthy, but most importantly quick to grow. It only take as few as 14 days to see these beautiful spouting plants.

Tomatoes thrive in small pots and are another great addition to adding to salads and simple pasta dishes.


Garlic we've all seen sprouting even in the refrigerator. This deliciously healthy plant can be used to garnish and cook with, which makes it a perfect choice for your indoor garden.

Spinach especially when started in soil using a small starter plant, can grow wonderfully indoors. Just keep soil watered daily along with a moist and well lit room that gets a lot of sunlight and you'll have easy access to a iron-rich vegetable that not only adds to your health and well-being, but also tastes great!

Radishes another excellent salad compliment, radishes grow quickly in soil. Their visible roots when you buy them make them easy garden starter plants that have no limit to how ...

Kale, like spinach, grows well indoors.

Scallions are a superb garnish for all dishes. When you cut the green upper area for your meals, keep the bottom white area and pop it into a container with water. Within days you should see them quickly starting to grow!



Lemons love the indoors and can thrive quite well even if they are not grown outdoors.

Dwarf mandarins are a favorite for those wanting citrus in their life!

Strawberries can be the perfect addition to any indoor garden. The sweet taste and lovely appeal cannot be denied especially if you’re making a delicious strawberry cheesecake! Some fresh strawberries on hand can make all the difference in creating that perfect cheesecake!

So if you were hesitant to create your own garden in your indoor space, don’t worry. The tips above should get you going. And once you start, you most likely will keep adding to your indoor space - more healthy and delicious fruits and veggies, conveniently located just for you!

It’s simply magical! You’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

Good luck!

Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Ideas

Start Your Morning Routine with a Healthy Breakfast & Easy Meal Prep


If you’re looking for a healthy breakfast meal prep plan that can be a real game-changer in how you begin your day, you’re in for a treat!

healthy breakfast meal plans.png

These meal prep ideas will not only save you time and money (not to mention less stress), but your ability to quickly reheat these prepped meals, gives you healthier options when eating on the go.

Starting off your day with a healthy breakfast can make all the difference in how you feel.

Getting your energy levels up and ready to meet the challenge, is key to beginning your day right. One of the best ways to ensure your energized to meet the demands of your schedule is by planning ahead.

Plan to Succeed

When it comes to planning what you’ll eat for breakfast, less can be more. After all, you don’t want to spend a ton of time in the kitchen.

If you’ve just woken up and don’t yet have your energy levels up, quicker meals not only brighten your day, but they can also provide you with more delicious and healthier options instead of having to endure a boring bowl of cereal. If you can plan your meals ahead of time, you’ll be off to a great start!

Here is Your Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Guide!

These tips followed by a ton of healthy breakfast recipes will get your day starting right and have you coming back for more!


Follow these meal prep guidelines to make meal prepping your breakfasts a breeze!

  1. Always plan ahead. Prep and plan the ingredients you’ll need a day or more ahead. This will ensure that you have everything you need when hunger strikes early in the morning.

  2. Staple ingredients to keep on hand can be a life-saver. These ingredients include salt and pepper, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, butter, olive oil, orange juice, eggs or tofu (for vegans), avocados, toast, spinach, bread/burrito sheets, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, milk, soy, coffee, tea, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yogurt, oats

  3. Wash fruits and veggies ahead of time and keep in a container in the fridge if you’ll be consuming them in the next couple of days. But choose to freeze them if you’re using at a later date.

  4. Any fruits like apples, bananas or pineapple can stay fresher with a splash of lemon, so be sure to have a stash of lemons on hand at all times. Lemons are a game-changer!

  5. Lemon diluted in a glass of water in the morning is also great for digestion (Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a good option too)!

  6. Glass containers for prepping meals are always a healthier choice to plastic containers. You may have seen many plastic bottles and containers with “BPA-free” on them are safer. However, further more recent studies in 2018 indicate this may not be the case and these may be just as harmful as other hazardous plastics. So, if you can, choose glass containers to store your foods.

  7. Cut up any fruit and veggies and freeze ahead of time for quicker meal prepping

  8. Blenders that are easy to wash and blend quick and easy (not loud)

  9. Tools to have on-hand: Vegetable peeler, lemon zester, lemon/lime/orange squeezer, knife, grater, citrus juicer, insulated lunch bag, thermos, metal straw, aluminum water bottle, french press coffee gadget, ceramic kettle.

    All good to go?

    If you are ready to start making your breakfasts healthier without spending too much time in the kitchen …

    Here are 7 Healthy Meal Prep Recipes & Ideas you can enjoy starting today!

Check out these delicious recipes! … Like Spinach and Cheese Egg Muffins, Jamaican Coconut Oats and Jamaican Ackee and Salt-fish with Breadfruit with Avocado (Yummm!),

And the oh so lovely sweet and wholesome Greek Yogurt and Blueberry Pancakes along with 7+ more yummy healthy breakfast meal plans to add variety to your early mornings!

Just click on the image that makes your mouth water to gain access to these delicious healthy recipes!