health coach marketing mistakes

Discover these 7 marketing mistakes that prevent health and wellness professionals from success!

Your marketing efforts may not always work out as planned as a health and wellness business - even the most well-intentioned. Creating a marketing plan and process can be daunting, from crafting the perfect message to choosing the proper channels.

But making mistakes is part of the learning process. By examining a few common business marketing pitfalls, you can learn what to avoid doing that could hurt your marketing efforts.

Here are seven marketing mistakes to watch out for while trying to grow your wellness business:

1-Not Defining Your Target Audience

You must complete a customer profile of your target audience before you even consider marketing your wellness business! 

One of the most common marketing blunders that health and wellness professionals make is failing to define their target audience.

Without a clear and concrete understanding of who you’re trying to reach, creating messaging that resonates with these individuals will be challenging. 

You must understand your target market thoroughly before you start marketing to them in any form.

You must know their desires, wants, problems they face, goals, etc. Once you do, speaking to them in any format becomes easy, more natural, and you're better able to connect with them on a level that will allow them to value your input and effortlessly gravitate towards your products and services.

2-Not making a customer profile of your most valued target customer

Not having a customer profile before creating your marketing is a recipe for disaster. By failing to research your customer and establish a customer profile, you will be wasting time, money, and resources marketing to people who are not your ideal buyer.

Having a Customer Profile is critical! 

If you want to find out more, you can sign up for this detailed report on Profiling Your Market.

3-Failing to Plan Your Marketing Strategy

Another mistake that health and wellness professionals make is failing to plan their marketing strategy. Without a plan, it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day details and lose sight of your overall goals.

A well-crafted marketing plan will help you stay focused and on track, ensuring that your efforts are aligned with your business objectives.

Your marketing strategy also pertains to every aspect of your content - whether your blog posts or content that you use to market your business online.

Not having a content strategy is one of the biggest marketing mistakes you can make as a health coach or wellness professional.

If you don’t have a content plan, it’s likely that your efforts will be scattered and all over the place. This will only frustrate you and make you lose money because your marketing is not being targeted to the right people or areas, and you'll fail to gain the right clients that will ultimately help grow your business.

You must do the homework first and take the time to plan appropriately. This will help you invest in the right areas and spend your time on the right things, but you'll also be able to come out on top - over your competitors.

Having a content strategy and proper plan for your business will help you focus your energy on creating content and marketing aligned with your business goals and serving your audience.

Also, note that marketing also includes SEO!

Failing to integrate SEO into your content strategy is another big mistake.

SEO should be the central aspect of your content marketing strategy to ensure that your content is visible to your target audience.

Your content may be lost without SEO and show up only on the furthest search result pages. This ultimately means that it is essentially invisible.

Your website/blog needs to be seen by those who need you, and adequately investing in search engine optimized (SEO) content is one of the best investments you could ever make in your business!

4-Investing in the Wrong Marketing Channels

There are many channels to choose from when it comes to marketing your wellness business. You have social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.), email, blog content marketing, paid advertising, etc.

Trying them all can be somewhat tempting with so many marketing channels available. But it can also feel very overwhelming.

Which do you choose?

Do realize that you can't be everywhere simultaneously and nor should you be.

Not every medium hosts your target audience. However, the “spray and pray” marketing approach in every channel available is rarely practical, as it’s often difficult to generate a good return on investment when you’re spread too thin.

Instead of being everywhere at once, focus your efforts on the most likely channels where you know your target market engages. That is where you need to go to reach your target audience.

For example, if your ideal customer is not active on Twitter, there’s no point in investing time and energy into building a presence there. But if you see they are actively on YouTube commenting and engaging there, you also need to ensure you are hosting your content there and engaging with your audience.

But don't just share content…

Be sure that you are engaging with them consistently.

Answer their questions and comments and make videos specifically responding to their concerns, comments, and questions.

The more engaged you are with your target audience in the location they hang out the most, the better you'll be able to serve them since you'll understand their needs better and ultimately provide them with the solutions they are looking for.

5-Failing to Set Measurable Goals

When it comes to marketing, what gets measured can be improved. Without setting clear and measurable goals, it’s impossible to know whether your marketing efforts are successful.

Some measurable goals could be:

  • What monthly revenue do you want to make? 

  • Answer: I want to make $20,000/ month in Q2 of this year.

  • How many new social media subscribers do you want to gain each month?

  • Answer: I want to gain 10,000 more subscribers in the next 2 months.

  • How much engagement do you want on the YouTube videos that you post?

  • Answer: I want at least 20% more comments on each video I release by Q2 of this year.

Measuring the results of your marketing efforts is key to growing your business.

When you see the shortcomings or positive results, you have a better idea of where you need to invest and where you need to pull back and focus on the areas that give you the most significant results!

To begin to set goals that will help you move the needle, make sure they are specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (aka - S.M.A.R.T.).

For example, a goal like “Increase website traffic by 20% in the next quarter” is more effective than simply saying “Generate more website traffic.”

6-Investing Time in the Wrong Areas of Your Business

There are a lot of different business areas and marketing tactics available to health and wellness professionals, from online ads to public relations to content marketing. It is hard to do it all. If you are writing blog posts and searching for images for each post, this may not be the best way to spend your time.

Focus on your area of expertise and helping your market. Perhaps hiring a writer and/or virtual assistant to add the content to your website is a better way to do things.

Your time is better spent helping as many people as possible. Perhaps you can jot down things you want to address in your posts and hand it off to a writer and editor. Then once complete approve it for publishing, Not only will this save you time and get that much-needed information out to your market, but you’ll also focus your energy in area that benefit your market and business better.

So be smart, use help where you can, and focus on helping your market. After all, the more people you help, the healthier and more active lifestyle they’ll be able to live!

7-Not creating the content your audience values is a huge mistake for health coaches and wellness professionals.

Failure to create content that resonates with your audience will lead to disastrous results. Your content must be valuable and speak to the needs of your audience by solving their problems which ultimately leads to results.

In conclusion, these are the 7 common mistakes of wellness professionals. If you can avoid making these mistakes, you will put yourself in a much better position to succeed with your marketing efforts.

By understanding each of the above-mentioned errors and avoiding these mistakes, you will be able to create a more successful marketing strategy for your health coaching or wellness business and better meet the unique and individualized needs of your clients and customers!

How to Increase Views & Engagement for Your YouTube Videos


YouTube is a growing platform that has mainstream credibility. Its strong branding and popularity have made it one of the top search engines even above the very well-known Facebook platform. And with 2.38 billion monthly logged-in users on average - worldwide, you can see why this influential website is one of the most important platforms to use to grow your business.

Now if you’re a savvy business owner who has decided to jump on the YouTube bandwagon and you’ve begun creating videos for your business, great stuff!

You’ve definitely made the right decision.


Now if you’ve created your videos on YouTube, but you’re struggling to increase views and engagement for your videos…

Here are 5 essential things you need to do:

1.       Be the first to comment on your video. By doing this, you are encouraging your viewers to also do the same. Something you could do is to mention in your comment what you’re discussing in the video and then actually tell your viewers to please comment below. You could also simply make a funny statement about the video and follow it up with a question for your viewers based on the topic of your video. Your viewers will always be excited to see that you are actively commenting, and they’ll most likely want to comment right after you do. It makes them feels more connected to you and a part of your online community!


2.       Encourage viewers to leave a comment on your video. As stated in the above point, when you first upload your video to YouTube and create the first comment on your video, this automatically shows that you are active in the comments section. However, if you actually ask your audience to leave a comment below the video, this adds that extra push, to make your viewers eager to follow-up your comment with a response. It’s a great way to add more engagement to your videos as this is something YouTube loves. And more comments and engagement shows YouTube that your video is resonating well with your audience whereby helping to shoot your video to the top of the YouTube search results for your topic area. Of course your title keywords and descriptions play a role too, but viewer engagement is a key role in how YouTube ranks your video.

3.       Reply to viewer comments. If you want your viewers to comment more on your videos, you should comment by adding a response to their comments. By responding to your viewers comments, they will see you as a real person who truly cares about and appreciates them. This helps to build your community and one of the best ways to grow a loyal following.

4.       Tell your viewers to subscribe to your channel. Sometimes it’s easy for people to forget to subscribe to a channel. They may watch your video and then see related videos on the side of your video, which can easily distract them. So, if you give your audience the clear instruction to subscribe to your channel by clicking the link below your video, it can help to improve your subscriber base as well as help to boost your channel further up in popularity within your niche. (Be sure to tell your viewers where the subscribe link is located to make it as easy as possible for them to subscribe, especially if they are not accustomed to doing so). As you know, YouTube is growing and evolving daily and there are always new viewers joining the pipeline. Clarity is key!

5.       Tell your viewers to click the bell icon for notification of new videos & share your new uploads on your social networks. YouTube continuously makes changes to their platform. It’s important to keep up-to-date with all of their new additions. Now viewers must click the bell icon to receive notifications of new videos. This feature did not exist in the past, but once YouTube implemented it, YouTube creators had to share this information with their audience to ensure that their videos continued to gain traction with viewership.

Although most people who watch YouTube videos know this, it’s important to be extremely clear and proactive in your communications by telling your viewers exactly what you want them to do. Oh, and also share you new uploads to your social networks as well. Consider this your must-do YouTube call-to-action. Not only will you gain more subscribers by doing so, but you’ll also improve the amount of views you’ll get on your videos. After all, this is what everyone wants because it leads to more opportunities in terms of ads, but it also encourages more collaborations and ultimately exposure for your channel. And we all know, many lives have changed just because a video was seen by more people.

Don’t forget your keywords!


Of course you need to also be sure that the main keywords your audience is searching for is placed first in your video title along with your tags and video description. You can use keyword tools like Google Planner, or Ubersuggest to help you in your keyword research. As long as you are using terms that are highly searched for and there are not enough sites overusing that keyword, you have a good chance of making it on the first page of Google. But thorough research is key.

So, now it’s your turn. Go out there and get your video created. And if you already have some videos created, be sure you’ve followed the points above for greater reach within your market. By doing so, you’d be surprised by what opportunities may come your way. This may be just what your business needed to gain greater recognition in your industry.