health coach marketing mistakes

Discover these 7 marketing mistakes that prevent health and wellness professionals from success!

Your marketing efforts may not always work out as planned as a health and wellness business - even the most well-intentioned. Creating a marketing plan and process can be daunting, from crafting the perfect message to choosing the proper channels.

But making mistakes is part of the learning process. By examining a few common business marketing pitfalls, you can learn what to avoid doing that could hurt your marketing efforts.

Here are seven marketing mistakes to watch out for while trying to grow your wellness business:

1-Not Defining Your Target Audience

You must complete a customer profile of your target audience before you even consider marketing your wellness business! 

One of the most common marketing blunders that health and wellness professionals make is failing to define their target audience.

Without a clear and concrete understanding of who you’re trying to reach, creating messaging that resonates with these individuals will be challenging. 

You must understand your target market thoroughly before you start marketing to them in any form.

You must know their desires, wants, problems they face, goals, etc. Once you do, speaking to them in any format becomes easy, more natural, and you're better able to connect with them on a level that will allow them to value your input and effortlessly gravitate towards your products and services.

2-Not making a customer profile of your most valued target customer

Not having a customer profile before creating your marketing is a recipe for disaster. By failing to research your customer and establish a customer profile, you will be wasting time, money, and resources marketing to people who are not your ideal buyer.

Having a Customer Profile is critical! 

If you want to find out more, you can sign up for this detailed report on Profiling Your Market.

3-Failing to Plan Your Marketing Strategy

Another mistake that health and wellness professionals make is failing to plan their marketing strategy. Without a plan, it’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day details and lose sight of your overall goals.

A well-crafted marketing plan will help you stay focused and on track, ensuring that your efforts are aligned with your business objectives.

Your marketing strategy also pertains to every aspect of your content - whether your blog posts or content that you use to market your business online.

Not having a content strategy is one of the biggest marketing mistakes you can make as a health coach or wellness professional.

If you don’t have a content plan, it’s likely that your efforts will be scattered and all over the place. This will only frustrate you and make you lose money because your marketing is not being targeted to the right people or areas, and you'll fail to gain the right clients that will ultimately help grow your business.

You must do the homework first and take the time to plan appropriately. This will help you invest in the right areas and spend your time on the right things, but you'll also be able to come out on top - over your competitors.

Having a content strategy and proper plan for your business will help you focus your energy on creating content and marketing aligned with your business goals and serving your audience.

Also, note that marketing also includes SEO!

Failing to integrate SEO into your content strategy is another big mistake.

SEO should be the central aspect of your content marketing strategy to ensure that your content is visible to your target audience.

Your content may be lost without SEO and show up only on the furthest search result pages. This ultimately means that it is essentially invisible.

Your website/blog needs to be seen by those who need you, and adequately investing in search engine optimized (SEO) content is one of the best investments you could ever make in your business!

4-Investing in the Wrong Marketing Channels

There are many channels to choose from when it comes to marketing your wellness business. You have social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.), email, blog content marketing, paid advertising, etc.

Trying them all can be somewhat tempting with so many marketing channels available. But it can also feel very overwhelming.

Which do you choose?

Do realize that you can't be everywhere simultaneously and nor should you be.

Not every medium hosts your target audience. However, the “spray and pray” marketing approach in every channel available is rarely practical, as it’s often difficult to generate a good return on investment when you’re spread too thin.

Instead of being everywhere at once, focus your efforts on the most likely channels where you know your target market engages. That is where you need to go to reach your target audience.

For example, if your ideal customer is not active on Twitter, there’s no point in investing time and energy into building a presence there. But if you see they are actively on YouTube commenting and engaging there, you also need to ensure you are hosting your content there and engaging with your audience.

But don't just share content…

Be sure that you are engaging with them consistently.

Answer their questions and comments and make videos specifically responding to their concerns, comments, and questions.

The more engaged you are with your target audience in the location they hang out the most, the better you'll be able to serve them since you'll understand their needs better and ultimately provide them with the solutions they are looking for.

5-Failing to Set Measurable Goals

When it comes to marketing, what gets measured can be improved. Without setting clear and measurable goals, it’s impossible to know whether your marketing efforts are successful.

Some measurable goals could be:

  • What monthly revenue do you want to make? 

  • Answer: I want to make $20,000/ month in Q2 of this year.

  • How many new social media subscribers do you want to gain each month?

  • Answer: I want to gain 10,000 more subscribers in the next 2 months.

  • How much engagement do you want on the YouTube videos that you post?

  • Answer: I want at least 20% more comments on each video I release by Q2 of this year.

Measuring the results of your marketing efforts is key to growing your business.

When you see the shortcomings or positive results, you have a better idea of where you need to invest and where you need to pull back and focus on the areas that give you the most significant results!

To begin to set goals that will help you move the needle, make sure they are specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (aka - S.M.A.R.T.).

For example, a goal like “Increase website traffic by 20% in the next quarter” is more effective than simply saying “Generate more website traffic.”

6-Investing Time in the Wrong Areas of Your Business

There are a lot of different business areas and marketing tactics available to health and wellness professionals, from online ads to public relations to content marketing. It is hard to do it all. If you are writing blog posts and searching for images for each post, this may not be the best way to spend your time.

Focus on your area of expertise and helping your market. Perhaps hiring a writer and/or virtual assistant to add the content to your website is a better way to do things.

Your time is better spent helping as many people as possible. Perhaps you can jot down things you want to address in your posts and hand it off to a writer and editor. Then once complete approve it for publishing, Not only will this save you time and get that much-needed information out to your market, but you’ll also focus your energy in area that benefit your market and business better.

So be smart, use help where you can, and focus on helping your market. After all, the more people you help, the healthier and more active lifestyle they’ll be able to live!

7-Not creating the content your audience values is a huge mistake for health coaches and wellness professionals.

Failure to create content that resonates with your audience will lead to disastrous results. Your content must be valuable and speak to the needs of your audience by solving their problems which ultimately leads to results.

In conclusion, these are the 7 common mistakes of wellness professionals. If you can avoid making these mistakes, you will put yourself in a much better position to succeed with your marketing efforts.

By understanding each of the above-mentioned errors and avoiding these mistakes, you will be able to create a more successful marketing strategy for your health coaching or wellness business and better meet the unique and individualized needs of your clients and customers!

Video SEO Requirements For Top Rankings


When you create a video and post it online, you want to make the most of it and making sure it gains as much traction as possible. That is why keyword research is so important in your overall video marketing strategy. 

Online video is on the rise and it's no wonder. Businesses are investing heavily in video not because they think it's a flashy new trend, but they are seeing that it's working for their competitors and for those who choose to make video marketing a part of their business plan, they too are seeing positive results. 

Not yet convinced that you should consider investing in video marketing for your business?

Check out these compelling stats about video:

  • YouTube's statistical findings have shown an increase of mobile video consumption and have stated that it's rising by about 100% every single year! (Source: Hubspot)

  • Facebook stats showed that videos posted to their platform have 135% greater organic reach than photos or images (Source: Social Media Today)

However, the most compelling stat is this ...

  • Companies that use video for their marketing are seeing about 41% more website search traffic than those companies that fail to use video. (Source: SmallBizTrends)

In the end ... It's all about search! 

Video search results play a key role in how businesses are found online. It's this video content that is making the difference between companies that are found and those that are not. 

It's not only about simply making a high production video and putting it online. It's about creating an engaging piece of content whether that's a video ad, a tutorial video, product videos for an e-commerce website or an interview. Regardless of the type of video created, it must align with the needs and interests of your target audience and in doing so, you must also ensure that you're strategically optimizing your video for the search engines. This will allow your audience to see and engage with your video. 

And that's where video SEO comes into play!

Here are some tips to improve the search results for your next video...

1. Invest in the best keyword tools. There are some really good tools out their that online marketers and other business owners swear by. These tools will allow you to see the search numbers from those searching for this video content online. It's these individual searches that you need to pay attention to because these are the people who are looking for your video content. 

Our first keyword research tool is


Then there is another very useful tool which you may be familiar with which is


We can’t forget UberSuggest which is now found at

The layout on this site is easy to read and very user friendly. It’s simple to do your keyword research. All you have to do is enter your keyword term and hit enter and then you’ll see a chart and graph telling you how competitive the keyword you’ve chosen is and how easy or difficult it is for you to rank for the term.


2. Analyse the search results from this keyword data to see if it's a keyword worth pursuing creating a video around.


As you can see, the term almond butter is very competitive and it shows it may be a keyword that is more challenging to rank for.

Now, let’s try another related keyword on the topic of almond butter. How about almond butter recipe! Here you can see the search volume is good at 5,400 searches per month. But best of all, it’s a keyword that’s fairly easy to rank for with an SEO difficulty of only 18 out of 100. Now this keyword is a winner to build content around — whether a blog post or video. However, for the purpose of this article let’s stick with video content. If you optimize your video in terms of having it’s headline, description and tags displaying your main keyword (almond butter recipes) and related keywords, then your content should perform well in the search results!


See the related keywords below … You can include these keywords as well within your video content or create single pieces of content centered around these terms.

Now if you can add a blog post, social media posts, infographics or Pinterest images also feeding backlinks to your main source of content, that can be a powerful move in guiding your rankings even higher up in search.


3. Be sure that you are optimizing your video for the search engine your audience most frequents. This may be Google, YouTube or any other platform that your audience is spending much of their time. Once you do this be sure that that's where you're grabbing your keyword research data from so that your video is optimized for this particular search engine where your people are . Search engines want to see that you're providing relevant content to your readers and viewers. And they also want to see that your content meets the standards they are setting for what is considered good content. When the search engines see that your business is providing value with your content, then they are happy to showcase in the top results of search!

4. Share your video so that it gains social shares. Once people share your video, it not only provides more backlinks to your video, but it makes your video look relevant to the search engines. And this relevance helps it to rank much higher in the search engine results.

And since video is becoming even more important than textual content, a video with high ranking video results along with high engagement, will not only help your video rank well, but if your video links back to your website, this will ultimately help your overall website search engine ranking. Now, we all know that good search engine optimization of any website can improve not only leads, but also sales of your products and services!

It's this type of strategic video marketing that's going to make all the difference for your business.

5. Use popular video sites like YouTube for example, to gain greater traction in your market. A YouTube video, if search engine optimized well, it can really help drive traffic to your main offerings - whether that be an opt-in free report offering on a landing page on your website or to buy a product. 

Overall if you place the right amount of focus on search engine optimizing your videos, you're sure to see positive results in your business.