sugars affect on body

How Does Too Much Sugar Affect Your Body


The wonderful joys of a slice of red velvet cake topped with smooth buttery icing and colored sprinkles …

How about a piece of rich milk chocolate or a delicious ice cream cone dipped in icy chocolate to help beat the summer heat!

If these sweet treats invoke excitement, nostalgia, and happiness, it's likely that you have a sweet tooth. And I guess you share in those wonderful memories of enjoying deliciously sweet indulgences from your childhood. Most likely you still enjoy these sweet treats from time to time. However, we must also limit the amount of sugar that we consume because too much can be detrimental to your health.

Depending on where you're from in the world, and the lifestyle you choose to lead, you may not realize the impact that sugar is having on your body and overall health.

Your Body & Sugars Effects On It

What is sugar anyway & is all sugar bad for you?

Sugar (also known as sucrose), is basically a carbohydrate that gives the body energy. It can be unnatural or refined as is often found in most of the packaged foods we eat.

Refined sugar is harmful to the body and can lead to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and excess belly fat. However, there are also natural sugars derived from plants like sugar beets and sugar cane which are a better alternative.

Sugar enters the body through the digestive tract. But before it does, it breaks down into two simple sugars - fructose and glucose. You often see these terms written on the ingredients list of the food products you purchase from your local grocer. 


Glucose actually already exists in each cell of our body. However, what's great about this natural wonder is that if we don't get it from the food that we eat, our bodies can produce it on their own.

You're probably wondering …

What the purpose of glucose is for our bodies anyway?

Am I right?

Well, glucose has a purpose and it definitely benefits healthy body functioning.

Basically, it exists in each cell (as mentioned earlier), along with amino acids which are essentially the building blocks of the protein and the fats that give you your energy. But it's main function is for fueling your brain as the chemical messengers and nerve cells functioning within your brain need to process all of the information running through it. Without glucose, your brain wouldn't function as it was meant to function.

What is fructose?

I see this word on ingredient listings all the time!

Fructose on the other hand is different from glucose because our body cannot produce fructose on its own (which is fine since our body has no real need for it). However, when your body gets too much fructose, that can be a problem.

Fructose is often one of the first ingredients listed on many food product labels. So if you can try, your best bet is to avoid this ingredient altogether. But if you do happen to see it listed on a food product label, be sure it’s listed further down on the ingredient list rather than being listed first.


Are there healthier sugar options, or alternatives?

Luckily you have many healthier choices when you have a sweet tooth.

Opt for making your own more natural treats if you are so inclined to do so.

Adding honey or agave syrup are also good alternatives to refined white sugar as well. But if you can, try to use natural sugars from fruits to get your sweet fix. Dried fruit snacks like raisins or dates are excellent snacks, not to mention that they are excellent alternatives to sugar when used in your favorite baked good recipes, cereals, and oat mixes.

In the end, just be conscious of the foods you choose to eat.

Remember, moderation is key.

Just make healthier choices overall. As long as you do not indulge in too much sugar and ensure that you choose healthier options, there is no reason why you cannot still enjoy your favorite treats.

Smart choices are better choices.