Foods that Cause Inflammation & Acne

Discover what foods to eat and what foods to avoid if you want to avoid acne and have better skin

Unwanted growths, blemishes, and cysts (just to name a few), are health conditions that you may experience from time-to-time.

One tip to avoid this is to eat the right foods while avoiding the wrong ones.


Inflammation in the body can lead to these unwanted health issues, and especially skin problems like the ones just mentioned.

But these issues can be avoided by eating anti-inflammatory foods.

By definition, anti-inflammatory foods are foods that reduce inflammation or any kind of swelling, irritation, or redness of the skin or body.

Anti-inflammatory rich foods block the body from causing inflammation.

What’s great is that anti-inflammatory rich foods not only keep inflammation at bay, but these foods are also good for you!

Here are some anti-inflammatory foods that will help keep your skin healthy:

  • Onions/Garlic

  • Blueberries/Cherries

  • Nuts

  • Avocado

  • Spinach

  • Ginger

  • Tumeric

  • Olive Oil

  • Pineapple

  • Carrots

Now, on the other side of the coin are high inflammatory foods. These are the foods that cause unwanted cysts and blemishes.

Dairy foods like milk and cheese are inflammatory foods that should be avoided if you prefer not only to have a clear complexion but also if you want to avoid experiencing other skin issues like cysts and skin inflammation and blemishes.

Some inflammatory foods to avoid are …

  • Fried foods and high sugar beverages, refined grains, chocolate, sugar, and desserts, (milk and cheese as mentioned above).

If you want to find out more about how anti-inflammatory foods can benefit you, and what you can do to care for your skin, then read on …

Other Methods to Prevent Acne

Everyone at one time or another has experienced having acne, be it a small pimple or a more serious case of acne.

Common acne is caused by excessive secretion of sebum, which is the oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Sebum serves to keep the skin and hair healthy, but when there is an over-production of it, the sebum clogs up hair follicles and causes acne. Since it is oily in nature, sebum tends to attract dirt and dust from the environment, leading to bacterial growth and what we commonly refer to as a pimple.

To prevent acne at home, here are some tips:


Keep your face clean. Wash your face or other affected area with a gentle cleanser twice per day. The simple of daily cleaning is a good habit to have because it can break up the oils and prevent acne bacteria from establishing a foothold.

Cleanse properly. Many over-the-counter medicated cleansers will help you to prevent acne by way of ingredients targeted at the bacteria. Be sure to read the label on your skincare product and use the product correctly for the best results.

Try not to touch your face. In our day to day lives, our hands come in contact with millions of bacteria which get transferred about with everything we touch. You can prevent the spread of bacteria to your face if you don’t touch it out of habit.

Good hand-washing habits are an important component of this as well.

Do not squeeze pimples. It will not help you prevent acne, and may lead to infection, worsening of acne, and scarring. But if the urge arises and you do, clean the area well with cleansing soap and water.

Avoid oily skincare products. Choose water-based skincare formulas that clean gently. Do not use cold creams, petroleum jelly, and oil-based cosmetics if you are prone to acne. By doing so, you can help prevent acne by not adding to the amount of oil already in your skin.

Eat properly. Some experts say that diet is not a component of acne, but anecdotal evidence cannot be overlooked.


It is possible to prevent acne by eating a balanced diet. Although it is true in many cases, there are some cases where further treatment is needed. However, in all, it’s best to eat healthier meals that are packed with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, try to drink plenty of water, and reduce your intake of processed foods and alcohol.

Eating yogurt with active probiotic cultures is terrific for your overall system, of which the skin is the largest organ. However, dairy products and greasy, sugary foods should be avoided. However, if you cannot resist, have only a minimal amount and drink plenty of water. A glass of water with a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar or a splash of lemon juice can also help in cleaning the digestive system while aiding in healthier-looking skin.

Minimize your salt intake. But if you do use salt in your diet, try switching to sea salt instead of iodized salt, since iodine may be linked to acne for some people.

Consume “good fats” such as olive oil in place of saturated fats such as those found in butter.

Improve your lifestyle. You may find that daily exercise and proper sleep will help prevent acne, because they both have a positive effect on the hormonal balance of your body.

Of course, if you are having extreme difficulty with acne, it is best to consult a dermatologist for help. Your doctor has prescription medications available, from oral antibiotics to medicated ointments and creams that may not only clear up your acne, but your doctor can also prescribe them as a prophylactic to prevent acne on a daily basis.

In the end, focus on you!

Eat well, cleanse your skin well, and drink plenty of water.