Journaling Tips for Beginners

Journaling is one of the most therapeutic activities that you can do. Taking the time to journal or note-take your day can help you not only release all of the thoughts you’re experiencing for any given day, but it can also help give you better perspective on your life.


Journaling can be a one year log of the events, feelings and happenings in your life. But it also allows you to record the plans for your future.

You should try to start a new journal each year. But if that overwhelms you, you can begin with 3-6 months at a time and then continue on from there. It's a good way to set targets and goals for yourself. But I'd recommend yearly so that you can see your overall progress at the end of the year.

Choosing to take a moment out of your day to write down your thoughts is a great way to reflect, organize your thoughts as well as release your feelings on paper so that you can review them at a later day. It allows you to see your journey first-hand, while allowing you to re-evaluate the changes you’d like to make in your life.

Tips and Techniques for Journaling

  • Get a book that allows you to journal comfortably. Whether you want one that’s lined or prefer one without lines because you love drawing pretty pictures to coincide with your journal entry, it’s up to you. They also have dot journals (called bullet journals) that kind of give the illusion of lines and blank pages, but allow you to keep your entries neatly aligned throughout your pages.

    This ensures you won’t have any lines slowly going down the page diagonally because you’re challenged when it comes to journaling on blank pages (without any structured lines).

  • Also be sure to choose a quite place to sit where you can relax and empty your thoughts on pager.

  • Be sure to use a marker or pen that doesn’t bleed through your pages. You should test your journal book beforehand to ensure it’s all good!

  • Consider using journaling prompts if you have no idea what you want to write about. These prompts can guide you along as you write, while allowing you to truthfully release your thoughts without the extra stress of coming up with something to write about. Lots of gratitude journals do this, but you have to know your purpose for journaling first before you know what type of journal you want to choose. There are so many types, from fitness journals, to gratitude journals to dotted bullet journals that are free-range allowing you to create your own prompts and release whatever thoughts come to your mind.

  • Schedule time for daily journaling to ensure you do it.

  • Be consistent - don’t stop! Continuing your journey of journaling will give you insight into how you’re feeling, which will in turn help you to make positive changes with your routines and overall lifestyle.

Benefits of Journaling

  1. Stress Relief - By writing things down it can be like a brain dump that allows you to get your thoughts out on paper. It frees you from keeping it inside. Writing your thoughts down allows you to release the stress of having to hold in that information. One it's released, you can now feel a sense of relief, allowing you now to use that "empty space" in your brain for newer things.

  2. Frees the Mind - Creative flow of writing things down (whether on paper or on a writing device like an ipad - notetaking app, you're able to write and doodle anywhere on the page. Creativity has been proven to relieve stress and boost those happy endorphins! It gives your mind the freedom to breathe and explore without any restrictions to your creative flow.

  3. Stengthens the Mind - Journaling, writing and creating is like a mental workout. Since it's relaxing, it's a way to keep your mind sharp and it helps to strengthen the brain.

  4. Notetaking adds to retention of information. This is proven when students take notes for tests. They retain more once it is written down. The same is true for our journal. Once we write things down, those goals, thoughts and expectations for ourselves are front-and-center. Even if in our subconscious mind, it is more actively at the forefront, allowing us to take action and prioritize the positive changes we choose to make in our lives.

Focus on taking time out each day to journal. You may be surprised with how much you learn about yourself and your relationship with others as well as become more in tune with your dreams and goals for your life.