How to Increase Traffic to Your Health & Wellness Blog

In this article, I’d like to share three ways you can increase traffic to your health and wellness blog.


Often times, health and wellness professionals struggle to gain a following online, that is why having a blog is critical. However, as a health expert, you need to strategically provide the right type of content that aligns with your marketplace while also being sure that that content is seen by those same individuals that you hope will engage in your product or service offerings.

There is a huge correlation between traffic and sales. So, if your website consists of well-structured quality content that your market values, you can improve the amount of traffic entering your site daily. This can have a huge impact on your overall lead numbers and ultimately your sales!

Key Tip: If you can focus on one critical content topic each week, you can better align content topics organically and really provide complimentary content that moves along in a way that your audience can easily consume it and in a way that makes better sense to them. This carefully guided content focus can better help your audience achieve their goals, while allowing you to strategically move your prospect further towards your intended outcome – whether that be to download your free guide, sign up for your course or purchase your product or service. It’s a smart way to better align your content for a mutually beneficial outcome.

So, without any further delay, here are 5 ways to increase traffic for your health & wellness blog:

1-Provide Quality Content that people will want to share.

As a health expert, you want to look as knowledgeable as possible to your market. After all, they are looking to you for help and they seek your expert guidance. So, ensure that you’re providing valuable content on your health blog that is going to help them improve their lives. After all, when it comes to health, people are looking for concrete solutions and with your expertise, you can provide them with these solutions.

The best way to do this is to think about your area of expertise. Then think about the common concerns your audience and clients often come to you for. It’s this type of content that you should be focusing on sharing on your blog.

For example, if you are a fitness trainer, some excellent topics you could consider using for blog posts are; “How to Burn Belly Fat with this 5 Minute Workout” or “How to Workout Less & Gain a Better Body”. You need to consider the questions and concerns your clients and prospective clients share with you to guide your content.

Perhaps you’re a Nutritionist whose main client base are diabetics. A blog post like “How to Treat Diabetes in 30 days with Natural Foods from Your Kitchen” or “How to Cure Your Diabetes with These Simple Meal Plans” etc., are a great way to address your markets needs, while allowing you to showcase your expertise.

 Topics like these are great because they are helping to transform the lives of your client base. But best of all, their headlines are strong and compelling enough to have your readers eager to access your content. As long as your content is transformational, informative and helpful, there is no reason why blog posts like these won’t move your readers closer to your end goal, which are sales!

But textual content should not be your only focus.

2- Add Video Content to appeal to your visual learners and those who would rather watch a video rather than read content on a page.

If you can add a visual element like images or even better – an informative YouTube video or Youtube video ad, you’ll have a better chance of having your market see you content. Think about it, YouTube is owned by Google, so if you’re placing content on your blog from one of their sources ie., YouTube, they’ll favour your content over blogs in your industry because they fail to include a video within their blog post.

The types of video content you can include are tutorials, tips videos, promo videos or simply other value-added videos that you know your audience is searching for often.

And if you can use these videos that link to other content on your blog or link to a guide that your audience can opt-in by entering their name and email address to receive it, that’s an even better way to improve your users experience, while allowing you to gain better access to your audience so that you can get in touch with them whenever you choose.

If you have not yet invested in an email delivery service, an opt-in email software like is free and allows you to accept up to 2000 email addresses (as of this writing), so really, there is no reason not to take the time to communicate with your list. After all, your list is a driving force in your business success!

As you know, nowadays, people are busy and more distracted because there are so many media messages presented to them on a daily basis, whether that be media messages or just simply their work and personal home life where responsibilities and “noise” run high. People want to consume content with less effort and video is one of the most common ways that people are consuming content. Businesses are also experiencing incredible results when adding video to their marketing.


According to Hubspot:


If these stats aren’t enough to convince you that video is something you should be using in to market your business, then I don’t know what other way there is to convince you. None-the-less, it’s clear that the most successful businesses are seeing amazing return once they decide to implement video into their marketing arsenal.

The next way to increase traffic to your website is …

3- Re-purpose your content on the most responsive platforms and drive people back to your blog! 

Having your content available in many different formats is just as important as creating good content. However, the format that you create it in must be a format suited for the platforms where your audience hangs out. There is no use in sharing your content on a platform where your audience is not present. That is why it’s important that you know your market so well, that you know exactly where they engage in your type of content and spend their most time. After all, it takes time to create content for each platform you choose to share your content on, that is why it’s critical that you first know where your market spends most of their time . Knowing this will help you to work smarter to leverage your most responsive content platforms.

Wherever it is that you share your content, always be sure to drive people back to your blog to enhance their user experience, while guiding them further along on their journey. You can do this by offering them a more valuable offer.

For example, if you are a health coach who specializes in working with women trying to conceive and you know these women are heavily navigating on a daily basis, you could create Pinterest Pin called “5 Foods to Avoid for Women Trying to Conceive” and then lead them to the blog post from that pin so that they can access further information within the blog post. Once they get to the end of your post, then offer them a free guide of the “Best Recipes & Food Combinations for Greater Fertility”. Do you see how you’re moving them further along in their transformational journey? You’re offering them content that continues to move them along in attaining that desired outcome that they long for.

Remember, your offer  doesn’t have to cost them anything. If you can simply offer them a free guide or tutorial or something of that nature that is going to help them to reach their ultimate goal, they’ll not only get to know you better, but it will also help you to gain their trust, while appearing as a credible source. This enhances your content message while also building your brand!

Next thing to consider is to...

4- Use Pinterest for marketing your business!

Since is a social search engine and ultimately the only social search engine in existence! So, people are using Pinterest to not only search for content, but they are also pinning the content that resonates with them. This in and of itself can allow you as a business owner to see exactly who is valuing what type of content so that you can in response, share that same content or better content with that person. This is one of the best ways to share your knowledge through this type of content and shared to the EXACT group of people that you know is going to find your content useful! Pinterest as a marketing tool should not be overlooked!

Check out these unbelievable stats straight from the Pinterest website:


The unique way that the Pinterest visual search engine allows users to search, share and store their pins proves how this platform is a powerful goldmine that many businesses often overlook.

To make this more real to you, let me share my stats of using Pinterest for the first time to market my blog. Of course you can’t go into Pinterest Marketing blindly. You need to know what Pinterest tactics are working for small businesses so that you can engage in the same marketing.

The most successful businesses using Pinterest marketing suggest the following:

  • Pin at least 10 times per day and a maximum of 25 pins per day for best results. But it really depends on your industry. However, this is the recommended rate.

  • Choose to join group boards related to your business. These boards allow you to share content once you join, giving your business greater exposure since these group boards often have hundreds and even thousands of members. This allows you to leverage your content efforts much further!

  • Be sure your pins are the right size and are appealing using bold colors, images and elements to catch the attention of your market. If your pin stands out better than your competitors pin, there is a greater chance that your pin will be shared and saved by those most likely to buy your product or service. Also be sure your pin uses keywords your audience is using to search for your content as this will create greater results.

Remember, consistency is key. If you strategically plan your Pinterest marketing around your business goals and the message you are trying to share with your audience, there is no reason why your traffic numbers should not increase.

5- Write a blog post featuring big industry players. Once you post it, tweet them with a simple note to let them know that you’ve featured them. Everyone loves to toot their own horn and there is no better way to do it then by sharing a post written by someone else praising your expertise. It’s a great way to not only gain recognition in your market – especially by key players, but it also helps to spread your message to your audience. It’s also a way to increase your chances of getting further opportunities since you now have industry experts who are aware of you and what you do!


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