Creative Ways to Make Money Online

Are you looking for creative ways to make money online? If so, you’re in the right place.

There are a number of opportunities available nowadays. The introduction of the internet and the creation of new technologies, software, and applications have opened the doors to new possibilities to earn income online.


If you’re already earning money offline, these newer technological advances can be a game-changer! They can help you share your content to a broader audience faster and more efficiently, while also helping you to advertise your product or service. Best of all, you can go one step further and add automation to the mix. Now your opportunities for growth, exposure, and a higher income are even more attainable!

Having online access to new opportunities and the ability to get in touch with a global community provides even more satisfaction to earn because now, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of home to do it!

Opportunities for Abundance

This new way of living is golden!

Think about it …

Not only has the introduction of the internet given rise to new global opportunities, where companies and people just like you can connect worldwide, but all of these new software applications, productivity tools, along with so many new portable devices and technology apps have taken it one step further in giving you more ways for you to earn more!

You can create and sell your work

How do you do this you ask?

Just get online and just start!

And if you’ve already done that, look into what new software tools are available to solve your problem and your need to share your message.

Not only do these technologies help to save you time, but they also allow individuals just like you, to work more efficiently and effectively! They also give you the ability to broaden your skill-sets, giving rise to new opportunities and earn some money while doing so!

Now couple these advanced technologies with the many business models available and you’ll be able to see that there are more than enough opportunities to use the talents, skills, strengths and knowledge that you have right now to add to your nest egg.

Don’t think you have any skills worth sharing?

Ah, you’re wrong. You do have skills!

It’s just a matter of diving deeper and doing a bit of self-reflection into finding your strengths, and you’ll definitely discover something worth sharing.

And better yet, if there is something that you have a strong interest in and something you are passionate about and eager to learn, that learning process can be shared and welcomed by many individuals who want to hear about your experience!

Better yet, while sharing and learning about that topic that interests you, you can also monetize and earn from that newfound interest!

Your Self-Reflection Process

If your still not sure about what you’re good at, this exercise ill help.

Now, during this reflective process, it’s important to think about…

1. Who you are

2. What you enjoy doing and are good at

3. Your skills

4. Your experience

If you take a moment to think about the things you’ve always loved doing as a child, as well as the things that interest you today while factoring in the topics and things that your friends, family, and colleagues say that you are good at and seem to always gravitate towards, then you’re onto something.

Try to think for a moment and see what you come up with. Just be honest and take your time.

Now to ensure you start your reflective journey on the right path, think about these 5 questions:

1. What activities or interests did you have as a child? Do you still have these interests? If so, would you enjoy doing work in these areas?

2. What books do you often read today? When you go to the bookstore or shop for books on Amazon for example, what topics are of interest to you? What section of the bookstore (or library) do you gravitate towards? Instead of a library or online bookstore like Amazon, you could also browse What topics of interest and Pinterest Pin topics grab your attention?

3. What projects have you worked on in the past? Whether in school, career, at-home hobby, or volunteer work, has brought you excitement, joy, and fulfillment?

4. What hobbies do you have today that light you up and you could spend countless hours doing?

5. List your skills. These could be technology-related. Think of the software programs you’re good at, skill-sets you’ve mastered on the job, perhaps you speak a language well etc., or do something really well. Think long and hard.

It could even be that you are a good listener, have strong project management skills, give great presentations, are an amazing storyteller, or are excellent at using tools and technology, research well … whatever...

The sky is the limit!

A Trick to Find Your Marketable Skill

Now want to find out what skill you can use to earn some income from?

Try doing this …

A Brainstorm Session

Just think about your lifestyle and the things you do now in your daily routine or within your job that is a marketable skill that individuals and companies have appreciated.

Brainstorm by making a list and jotting down everything that comes to mind.

This exercise may take some time, but don’t rush it. Think deeply and write down anything and everything. Just be as honest with yourself as possible. This is your chance to brainstorm and “brain dump” your skills, strengths and experiences.

Once you do this exercise, you’ll get much clearer on how you can use these strengths to your advantage to make money – or build a business that really means something to you and one that is in demand.

Now perhaps a business isn’t necessarily what you want right now. Then you’ll just want to jump ahead to see the list below.

If you’re simply one of those people who are curious about how you can create new income streams using online strategies, (and not necessarily interested in building a business right now, but may consider doing so in the future), you’ll be intrigued and excited about these 101 creative ways to make money online.

Remember, even if you have no plans on being a business owner, but you’re just looking for a bit of extra cash to create a bit more freedom in your life, and you’re looking for a way to ease your financial burdens then this list will be very useful.

These ideas can be incorporated in so many ways that these creative ideas are worth sharing.

Better yet, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. But these ideas will definitely get you excited and help you brainstorm new ideas that you can use to earn even more!

So, let’s get started discovering these new ideas!

Note: Most of these ideas are online, but there are some that may be offline ideas too. And these offline ideas are ones where you can still use online technologies either to advertise or use technology to create an online element (e.g., a gardener teaching an online gardening course or a cook teaching cooking courses online.

A carpet cleaning service can go from fully offline, to having an online element of a course of how to start your own carpet cleaning business!).

Do you see how a simple mind shift can take a simple offline product or service, and create a much bigger business opportunity online that allows you to earn even more!

I’m sure you get the idea. If you use your imagination to add a few technological elements into these “offline” businesses, the sky is the limit!

Now without hesitating any longer, here are the ...

102 Creative Ways to Make Money Online (and/or Offline)

You can sell any of the following products/services:

  1. Digital Planners

  2. Digital Stickers ( / ...)

  3. Printable Worksheets and Templates

  4. E-books

  5. Private Label Rights (PLR) Videos for Various Niches

  6. PLR Article Content

  7. Design Website Templates

  8. Sell Stock Photos

  9. Create Photo Mockups

  10. SEO Writer

  11. App Designer

  12. Virtual Assistant Service Packages

  13. Print on Demand (POD) T-shirts / home décor products

  14. Create a Podcast and sell ad space

  15. Create a Blog – ads/affiliate products

  16. Joint Venture and Partner with your favourite company or related business for extra exposure

  17. Host Workshops

  18. Courses

  19. Interviews (sell ad spots)

  20. Guest Post

  21. Create Video Ads/Promos for Businesses

  22. Create Art – Sell your art on sites like Society6 /RedBubble / SpreadShirt / Printful / Printify

  23. E-commerce Store selling your own brand – Amazon FBA

  24. Earn on survey sites - gaming / watch videos / review websites

  25. Photography

  26. Wedding Singer

  27. Make licensed music for YouTubers

  28. Sell your stuff PoshMark sell things you no longer wear / Craigslist / Facebook Marketplace / consignment store

  29. Artist (Design wall art for cafes / children’s bedrooms / outdoor areas).

  30. Chalk Artist Lettering (Design chalkboards for cafes / create gift cards / create a course).

  31. Gardening Services

  32. Renovating – like painting or drywall / wood protection for deck / pool cleaning

  33. Babysitting

  34. Sewing / Tailor

  35. Teach English Online (VIPKid / Magic Ears etc.)

  36. Tutor

  37. Resume Writer

  38. YouTube Thumbnail/Channel Page Designer

  39. Instagram / YouTube intro or stories animations

  40. Writer (freelance writer)

  41. Copywriter

  42. AirBnB Rental

  43. Start a YouTube Channel

  44. Sell worksheets and teaching materials if you’re a tutor or skilled teacher (

  45. Cook for others - A Personal Chef

  46. Start a moving company

  47. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) books sell your idea

  48. Bike Repair /Computer Repair

  49. Housekeeper / Maid

  50. Data Entry

  51. Transcriptionist (transcribe podcasts/YT videos)

  52. Translator (translate YT videos by creating sub-titles in a dif. Language for creators)

  53. Sharing Economy (become a driver w Lyft or Uber)

  54. Postmates food delivery person

  55. Photographer

  56. Videographer / Video Producer

  57. Video Editor

  58. Jewellery Maker

  59. Baker

  60. Furniture Repair i.e., Remodelling / re-painting old furniture

  61. Services (Pinterest / Social Media Manager)

  62. Retail Arbitrage (resell things for a profit)

  63. Sell old textbooks (Can send to amazon and can make available for sale online through your own e-commerce store. Use your social network and university/school relationships to help advertise!)

  64. Food Truck -Sandwiches, grielled meals, noodles etc. But remember, you may need a permit)

  65. Etsy Personalized stuff crafts etc.

  66. Fitness Instructor / Yoga Instructor / Personal Trainer / Health Coach

  67. Pave Driveways

  68. Mr. or Ms.Fix-it type of worker and post your service on Facebook Marketplace (Services like rake leaves, clean up etc.)

  69. Skillshare - Create a helpful course on a skill/task you know how to do well. Skillshare pays/views). I’ve seen many Youtubers go this route especially a UK doctor who has done very well selling his course on Skillshare!

  70. Personal Organizer (Mari Condo)

  71. Create a Review Website like SliceThePie Review site.

    Use a site like ReferralMob to refer your friends to jobs and earn if they land the job!

  72. AVON / Young Living Essential Oils

  73. Cut Hair.. beards / Makeup Artist (Start a beauty-related service).

  74. Love pets? Become a pet sitter, dog walker or dog washer.

  75. Online Magazine and sell ad space

  76. - (Make a city niche site and sell ad space)

  77. Target a niche and sell a service eg., real estate agents Pinterest/Instagram/Videos

  78. AirBnB photographer - Good with taking photos? Why not take home photos for local airbnb hosts!

  79. AirBnB Cleaner (Become a cleaner or if that’s unappealing to you go one step further and outsource the and start your own cleaning biz!)

  80. Real Estate Video Production - 360 walk-arounds with GoPro or other professional camera

  81. Sell photography assets/pre-sets (To make more productive workflows for other photographers easier)

  82. Business Consultant (planning or even help showing how to take biz from offline to online).

  83. Investing in Property

  84. Music Teacher (online or offline)

  85. Investing in Index Funds (Diversity your income investments).

  86. Use your voice (voice-over artist) - Become an Audiobook Narrator (Amazon ACX)

  87. Surface Designer - License your designs on home goods products, wrapping, wallpaper, pillows etc.

  88. Sell vegetables/fruit from your garden

  89. Collect old books from people and resell them for profit (e.g., University Textbooks)

  90. Re-upholster furniture

  91. Car Wrapping with Ads – Have your car wrapped in ads for extra monthly income

  92. Window Cleaning (Spring cleaning help is in demand since people ppl hate cleaning windows!

  93. Rent a carpet /rug cleaner from a local grocer and offer the service

  94. Love Reading? Do book reviews for amazon books and provide your affiliate link! Or better yet, set up a book review blog and link to Amazon or other online bookstores. Make sure you try to capture the emails of your readers so you can give them offers down the road. (That’s a better way to have some control over your business). Placing a bonus offer for an additional resource to help your reader can do this wonderfully.

  95. E-commerce Site Product Writer - Charge per product description write-up or charge per word count. The rise in e-commerce stores has increased the need for product description writers worldwide!

  96. Reviews on products you love and use (YouTube/Blog) … It’s best to invest in owning your own website because you have total control and you own the site. This allows you to better reap the rewards forever with sales you have more control over! You have FULL control of your reviews and how they’re used.

  97. Web Designer (WP setup, or SquareSpace or WIX)…

  98. Become a connector or middle man for a service! You get a cut by of the sale by simply connecting two people (one who has the need and the other who can fulfill that need). This is a great opportunity here especially if you’re good at marketing.

  99. Create video versions of articles and sell it as a service or place the videos on youtube and make sales through ads!

  100. Proofreader

  101. Artist selling digital brushes or assets (for Procreate) or other design programs. Creating artist assets or something that helps other artists save time and create more is really in demand)!

Digital products are excellent because everything is done online. Both the selling of the product and the payment process is done online so you don’t have to deal with shipping or inventory. Everything your customer receives is a downloadable product that they can access with a computer and internet connection!

Network with those you know … Tell friends, LinkedIn network, place ads, YT video using kw + city etc.

Brainstorm and think of things you hate to do (and would love to hire someone to do it for you) in order to get more ideas, along with the ones listed above. I’m sure you’ll easily find more ways you can earn.

Continue to think of problems or resistance in daily tasks and you’re bound to find some more ideas. If you’re solving someone else’s problem and can add a tremendous amount of value to them so they don’t have to do it, they’ll gladly pay you for it. Also, people just don’t have time sometimes and need a helping hand :)

Still not sure what skills you have or how you can earn money from what you know?

You are destined to have a divine work life that allows you to pursue work that aligns organically and seamlessly with your skill-set and personality.

Join the Divine Work-Life revolution and find meaningful work!

Want to improve your skills? Why not consider taking a class online!