vegan birthday gift

Gift Ideas for Vegans

OMG! Shopping for my vegan friend is so easy! And now for you too… Whether it’s a holiday like Christmas or a birthday or other special occasion, if you need to buy a gift for your favorite vegan, I’ve selected the top vegan beauty products that are…

Holiday & Special Occasion Gift Ideas for Vegans | Skin & Beauty Product Ideas to Make Them Smile!

Over the years people have become much more health conscious. And more people are asking questions about the food we consume daily as well as the products we put on our skin. Of course, health is becoming more important to people – especially the very health-conscious vegan consumer. And if you’re buying a gift for someone that makes health their number one priority, that takes a bit more effort. But what’s great is that nowadays, we have endless choices!

If you’re stumped on what to get a more health-conscious individual - vegan friend, colleague or loved one who clearly loves animals and only uses products that are cruelty-free then this list of gift ideas may be just what you need. It will save you time scrambling to find the perfect gift, let along save you a ton of time in doing so.

Here Are a List of Vegan-Friendly Product Lines to Choose From:

1.       Nature's Gate

2.       Arbonne

3.       Beauty Without Cruelty

4.       Pacifica

5.       Billy Jealousy

6.       ColorProof Evolved Color Care

7.       skyn ICELAND

8.       Sibu Beauty

9.       MuLondon Organic

10.   Bali Body

11.   Skin Owl

12.   Alima Pure (mineral makeup)

Hopefully this list can allow you to find the perfect gift that your loved one will love. When considering the purchase of a beauty product, it’s really just about doing your due-diligence and being well informed on the standards being set. The key is to just be aware and know that not all products may be vegan-friendly and cruelty-free as they say they are on the product labels or in their advertising.

It’s important to follow these tips and guidelines that I’m about to pass onto you to help you when shopping for products. As you know, various “healthy” and “healthier” products and the wording used on labels (terms like “organic”, “vegan”, “clean” and “all-natural”) can be used to fool us that these products are indeed cruelty-free and made of all-natural ingredients, which can sometimes be misleading. There are companies that just want to make a profit without putting the best interests of their customers at heart. This type of behavior of using these types of terms is known as greenwashing.

In the Cambridge dictionary, it states that greenwashing is:

to make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the environment than it really is

These are brands who are trying to be a part of the green movement without actually taking any responsibility with creating positive changes to the environment and for the purpose of protecting their customers. They know it’s wrong, but to them, money talks. And they know that the vegan and cruelty-free movement is getting a lot of attention and they want to be a part of it. However, there is no law that says certain wording cannot be used on packaging if indeed the product is not fully “all-natural”.

Here are some tips for reading the labels on your beauty health products:

  • On packaging try to identify proper industry logos like those of The Vegan Society or Cruelty Free International’s Leaping Bunny.

  • When you look at the product listings you should not see ingredients like artificial coloring, petroleum, parabens, phthalates, sulphates, synthetic fragrances or silicones.

Of course there are more harmful ingredients, but these are the most common one’s you will see. I’m sure you’re familiar with seeing most of them on many popular beauty products from your local drugstore. But if you go onto the website of either of the organizations I’ve just mentioned, you should be able to see the ingredients you should stay away from on product labels.

Cruelty Free Product Shopping Apps

Many apps now exist to help you purchase healthier beauty products. Apps like Cruelty-Cutter (by The Beagle Freedom Project), Bunny Free (by Peta), Cruelty-Free (by Leaping Bunny) and the Think Dirty app can save the day when shopping for products that aren’t tested on animals with ingredients that lack the toxins of most common store brands.

Most of these apps allow you to quickly scan the labels for harmful ingredients. And they’ll rate how bad or good the product is in terms of how natural or clean they are.

When it comes to choosing your skincare products, it’s best to try to only purchase products free of toxins. After all, it’s these toxins that over time can cause damage.

Being a well-informed and responsible consumer is the best way to be.

On your next trip, why not try one of the apps mentioned in this article. As for vegan-friendly products, check out the list of brands mentioned above. It’s one of the smartest and safest ways to start making healthier choices, since they are fully toxin-free and all-natural.

Good luck on your healthy shopping journey! And I’m sure the receiver of your gift will be happy that you considered them in this way on your journey.